- 865-253-7902
We want to make sure everyone is fully aware of the guidelines we must follow per the Knox County Health Department in order to be open and to ensure everyones safety.
All common areas must remain closed. This includes locker rooms, waiting areas and the lobby. We have added extra time to each appointment to give you time to change in your room before and after your massage while not cutting in to your hands-on service time.
Bathrooms will be open, however, showers and steam showers must remain closed for now.
We cannot offer drinks and snacks at this time. We will have bottled water.
Staff and guests must wear a mask while in the building. As of right now we do not have masks available for guests. Please bring your own. You will not be permitted to enter the building without a mask.
You may be asked a series of screening questions and have your temperature checked upon arrival. If you have had any symptoms of Covid 19, or have been exposed to anyone who has had symptoms of Covid 19, you will not receive services.
We encourage contact-less payment. If you have a card on file, please use that card when you check out. You can call and update your card on file anytime. Once entered, only the last 4 digits are visible to desk staff.
Please be patient with our staff as we navigate reopening under these strict guidelines. We are working diligently to reschedule all appointments that were canceled. We are spending extra time to make sure we follow the rules given to us and to maintain a safe, clean environment.
Thank you for your continued support, and we cannot wait to see you!